On exploring S P A C E

What does *S P A C E* mean to you?

More quote inspiration for you ...

"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." -Viktor Frankl

It's the sacred pause. Rather than a reaction, you pick your response.

Some self-inquiry on tthis topic could include:

  • What comes up for you when contemplating this concept?

  • How do you see this showing up in your daily life?

  • What do you do to give yourself some space?

  • Do you think integrating more space in your life would be vaulable? Why or why not?

Whether its on your yoga mat, an uncomfortable interaction, or that really stressful moment throughout your day ... I hope you find the space you need. The pause to choose your response. And perhaps find some freedom and growth along the way.

In love, light + with gratitude,


On cultivating patience.


On prioritizing JOY.